september 1958


In September, 1958, the Class of 1963 entered Ironton High School as "Peanuts". The candle which was to guide us through the halls of Ironton High School and all the wonders that awaited us, had just begun to burn. Our candle burned and, at last, we were a real part...
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22 april 2012


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Biography - David Wilson

  • Hi. My name is Dave Wilson.
  • I grew up in a Methodist minister's family and we moved every 3 to 5 years. I was fortunate to spend the last three years of my high school experience at IHS, and especially enjoyed being part of the Million Dollar Marching Band.
  • I went to college at Ohio Northern University and achieved a BS in Chemistry. I married my wife Marilyn during my senior year at college.
  • We moved to the Cleveland area where we raised two boys and we now have 3 wonderful granddaughters.
  • I spent 33 years working, for both Harshaw Chemical Company and Ferro Corporation, mostly focusing on worker and product safety with regards to chemical products.
  • Marilyn taught in elementary schools in the Cleveland area. We both retired in 2006 and are currently living in Pemberville, Ohio, where we enjoy family activities, eating lunch and other activities with our friends at the Senior Center on weekdays, and being involved with our church.
  • Love hearing from old friends and classmates so email me at DAVE `63 so we can reminisce and stay in touch.
  • Dave
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Desperately Seeking Photos
Anyone with photos from 1963 period, please make available for use in our website for all to share. Mail to the IHSwebmaster by simply clicking on the link below

Sharing memories....

from the Ironton Fighting Tigers - Class of 1963